The organizations and people listed here generously contributed their thoughts, creative energy, organizing skill, in kind, and financial support. They say it takes a village. In our case it takes the world! Please scroll through our past productions or visit these links to see the many names of our ALLIED THEATERS AND INSTITUTIONS and THOUGHT LEADERS AND CONTRIBUTORS
Higher Education TV. St. Louis Every 28 Hours Plays 2016
ACT SF: Stage Coach Community Engagement program presents:
Every 28 Hours Play Festival: Reading Series featuring 1st & 2nd year MFA students
For more information on A.C.T. SF visit:
For more information on TUW visit:
Past Events

The New Group, Labyrinth Theater Company, and Working Theater will present The Every 28 Hours Plays, a collection of one-minute plays centered on the civil rights and Black Lives Matter movements. The event will take place on November 7 at 6 and 8:30pm at the Bank Street Theatre.

Stanford University. Friday, October 14 7:30pm Pigott Theater. Produced by Rebecca Struch. Sponsored by Stanford Arts Institute, the Institute for Diversity in the Arts, Stanford NAACP, Black Student Union, Black Men’s Forum, and Black Feminist Collective.

June 25 2016. TCG National Conference – “Black Lives Matter, Civil Engagement, and the Responsibility of Theatre” workshop with Claudia Alick. Coordinator, Jerome Parker. Directors Jeff Kirkman and Maleke Glee. — with Maleke Glee, Weilong Li, Naomi Anna, Chris Lane, JJ Johnson, Vaughn Midder, and Moriamo Akibu at Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel.

Nov 12 2016. TCG Fall Forum. Flea Theater Actors. Niegel Smith, Kareem Fahmy, Connor Sullivan, Carolina Do, Tiffany Williams, Lindsley Howard, Chris Murphy, and Brandon Gill

June 4 2016. Capturing Fire is the only Trans and Queer Spoken Word Festival centered around Poetry Slam Culture and Literature with Regie Cabico.
SPONSORS: Split This Rock, The DC Center, Busboys and Poets, Free in DC, La Ti Do, Hot Damn It’s A Queer Slam – Shows & News, Sparkle DC, Poets And Writers, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Keegan Theatre

Ashland OR 7/21/16 Ashland First Congregational United Church of Christ. Organized by Pastor Paula Sohl and facilitated by Claudia Alick
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Past Events
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Past Events
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